Local Support

Everyone Health

Everyone Health has been commissioned and funded by Cambridgeshire County Council to provide:

  • Healthy You – a healthy lifestyle support to people living across Cambridgeshire
  • Healthy Schools – a dedicated web site for anyone involved in education
  • Healthy Workplaces – a healthy lifestyle service to support organisations across Cambridgeshire to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees.

Visit the Everyone Health website

Healthy You

We are a free service for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough residents who are looking to make changes to their lifestyle. So, whether you want help to stop smoking, lead a more active lifestyle, lose some weight, or simply take advantage of the NHS Health Checks we offer, Healthy You – funded by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council – can help you.

Visit the Healthy You website

National Support

Walking for Health

Walking for Health offers over 1,800 free, short walks every week. Find your nearest health walk scheme.

Visit the Walking for Health website